
Welcome to Hardy Farms

We take pride in the quality of our peanuts and love passing such a great product on to you. At Hardy Farms, we believe in quality, which is why we strive to ensure that our peanuts are the best that you will find anywhere.

Boiled Peanuts

Fresh to Your Door

Green Peanuts

Choose from 3 Sizes

Since 1945...

The Hardy family has been growing peanuts in the heartland of Georgia. Our growers are part of a multi-generational legacy with experience being handed down from one generation to the next.


Where to find us

Hardy Farms has more than 20 roadside peanut stands throughout middle Georgia and is available in several supermarket chains throughout the southeast.


Read what customers are saying about our products!


Dear Peanut farmers, I am a happy woman! I found fresh, green peanuts today.   Have been checking different places and nobody had Green Peanuts! I have been going to Publix for years and today, there they were! I could hardly wait to get home and boil them, and they were the best ever!! So,  thank you, thank you! Got to go now and eat some peanuts. 



I live in Fayetteville, GA but still go back home to Macon fairly often. Every year my dad tries to make sure he gets me some of your boiled peanuts. We were there yesterday and stopped by for a few bags to bring home. Your boiled peanuts are the best! I have been eating boiled peanuts all my life and have bought them from many places in the Southeast, but none have ever been as clean as yours. Yours are by far NUMBER ONE!! I’ll have to get a few more bags for the freezer before the season is over. And thank goodness they are Georgia Grown. Thank you for a quality product.


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